Yakozen: Tokyo Momiji

Piece: Tokyo Autumn Leaves
Writer: Pistol Takehara
Lately I'm seeing nothing but dreams of you,
and waking up hurts so much, so
Lately I just quit sleeping.
The spheres of my eyes are bloodshot and,
stumbling a bit,
I poke with the tip of my umbrella
the sprawling main road to a cramped ramen shop.
One way or another, somehow,
yes, I want to show my good points, but
it's hopeless.
I'm a coward.
Gradually, even the bright future I once saw clear
I made intentionally,
arbitrarily, by myself,
completely sepia-colored;
I'm a mess.
The rain starts sprinkling—ah,
now I'm undoubtedly pitiful...
Looking up at the ashen sky,
at an angle as if to challenge it,
the form of a
single, sharply-rigid flower—
I somehow felt an intense jealousy for it,
and if I were to childishly trample it with all my strength
the emotionless BB bullet–like cold rain would riddle
this wimpy 98.6 degrees of passion with holes.
Like a lunatic I slapped myself on both cheeks.
It's not even Autumn,
but there's a red leaf on my face.
Lately I'm seeing nothing but dreams of you,
and waking up hurts so much, so
lately I just quit sleeping.
I'm piss drunk and,
stumbling greatly,
I finally shook my stubborn drinking buddy,
and am pointlessly treading with staggering feet
through the bright shopping district.
"If you know what's wrong then just fix it!"
—out of nowhere, but right on schedule, your voice.
With a slouch like a crescent moon:
"Okonomiyaki please—for two." Ah,
now I'm undoubtedly pitiful...
The more I repeat this the more shallow it gets.
Even while tilting my head at this bewilderment
on a drunken weekend evening, with no choice but
to move forward, if I cast out my dreams,
the furious flow of time that coils in on itself
around the turnstiles would drown out this weak,
365-day scream with confusion.
Like a lunatic I slapped myself on both cheeks.
It's not even Autumn,
but there's a red leaf on my face.
近頃 君の夢ばっか見て 寝起きどうも切ないから
近頃 俺 いっそ寝んのやめた
目ん玉血走って 若干よろめきながら
狭っ苦しいラーメン屋につづく だだっ広い大通り 傘の先っぽでつついております
どうにかこうにか ちょっといいとこ見せたい訳だが
いかんせんヘタレ ようやく見据えた未来さえ
ご丁寧にてめえで勝手に セピア色にしちまう体たらく
ポツポツ降り出して いよいよ惨めです‥‥
灰色の空に向かって ややガン飛ばし気味の角度で鋭く硬直する一輪の花の姿に
何故か強烈な嫉妬を覚え 大人気なくそいつを思い切り踏んづけてやれば
気でも違ったか 己に往復ビンタ 秋でもないのに頬に赤い紅葉
近頃 君の夢ばっか見て 寝起きどうも切ないから
近頃 俺 いっそ寝んのやめた
したたかに酔って 大いによろめきながら
しつこい悪友ようやく振り切り 無駄に明るい繁華街 千鳥足で踏んづけております
ぼちぼち限界か 何処からともなく君の声
重ねれば重ねるほど 薄っぺらになっていく その不可解さに首を傾けながらも
愚乱愚乱の週末の夜に 今更 後には退けんと 半ばやけっぱちに夢をぶっ放せば
改札口を中心にとぐろを巻く 激烈な時の流れは
気でも違ったか 己に往復ビンタ 秋でもないのに頼に赤い紅葉